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The Beauty of Small Brazilian Village

Fri, 06/09/2013 - 21:14 -- Jack

I stayed for quite some time for spiritual reasons in small Brazilian village/town. It is so away from civilization. Farmers use horses as car replacement. You get a regular shortage of electricity. It happened like a lot, I would say at least six days in a month. And people are obsessed with elections and politics. The firecrackers, rockets, can be heard all day and all night in the months before elections. Quite funny. How many Brazilians are, in fact, missing fingers?

The town is really quite a good town, but the civilization forgot the population for some time. I mean the small shops in the town only carry few products. There are no restaurants with good food. No chinese, mexican food. Nada, zilch..... That was a great disappointment for me. In fact you can't even get any quality chocolates, sweets. Only low end stuff. The best thing was weather. All year long it was not either too hot nor too cold. There was a rainy season for few months, but it wasn't really bad. 

The bigger town was away like 30 minutes with bus. Here are few pictures from the village of Brazil.

Below is a video where you can see me bitching' because I was waiting for a bus over 1 hour, he he.

Brauil village
Brauil village
Brazilian village forgoten y civilization
Brazilian village forgoten y civilization
Brazilian village forgoten y civilization
Brazilian village beautiful
Brazilian village beautiful
Brazilian village beautiful
Brazilian town
Brazilian town
Brazilian town
Brazilian town
Brazilian town
Brazilian town